Bridging Gaps in Palliative Medical Care
Before acupuncture became more widely accepted in America, it was often viewed as a treatment of “Last Resort” for medical conditions that were considered incurable by traditional medicine or what some physicians call the “gray area” of medicine. For many conditions, acupuncture is still viewed as palliative care to help patients manage symptoms or side effects that interfere with their daily quality of life. The most common form of acupuncture palliative care is in major cancer treatment departments in hospital settings. Acupuncture provides palliative care for cancer patients for such things as pain or nausea after traditional medical treatments. In these and other cases, acupuncture does not help resolve difficult medical conditions but instead enables patients to improve their daily quality of life by addressing associated symptoms besides pain. Such conditions include difficult-to-treat problems such as unexplained Fatigue, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Autoimmune diseases, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or Tinnitus.
Individuals with post-acute COVID-19, commonly known as Long Covid, have a wide range of unexplained symptoms that interfere with daily quality of life. Chinese scalp acupuncture, which is based on Western medical knowledge of neurology and neuroscience, has been found helpful in some cases for treating a number of symptoms of Long COVID to improve quality of life. Long COVID is still not well understood by researchers.
Acupuncture By George is located in the Pennsbury Professional Center in Falls Township on the border of Morrisville, PA, near the Morrisville Post Office. Call for free telephone consultation at (610) 662-0755 to see if acupuncture might be right for you.